“Hard red spring wheat is an important bread wheat with excellent milling and baking characteristics. It has high protein (12.0 to 15.0 percent), hard endosperm, red bran, strong gluten, and high water absorption. It is used in pan breads, hearth breads, rolls, croissants, bagels, hamburger buns, pizza crust, and for blending.” (California Wheat Commission, classes of wheat)
“The hard red wheats tend to have the most gluten strength which makes it easier to produce a well-risen, airy loaf of bread. Some people perceive a slight bitterness to the bran of some red wheats, especially if they’re used exclusively in a dough.”
(Breadtopia https://breadtopia.com/newbies-guide-to-flour-for-bread-baking/)
Our Organic Red Wheat flour delivers strong dough stability. Our bread flour’s protein is high and is good for recipes that require a lot of kneading or high elasticity. We know you will gain this baking benefit with our organic bread flour. We take pride in caring for every seed from our soil to your soul.
“Hard white wheat has a hard endosperm, white bran, and a medium to high protein content (10.0 to 14.0 percent). It is used in instant/ramen noodles, whole wheat or high extraction flour applications, Artisan and pan breads, and flat breads. ” (California Wheat Commission, classes of wheat)
“The term “hard” refers to the higher protein content of this wheat. Higher protein flour is typically preferred for bread baking vs the lower protein “soft” white wheat which is used more for other baked goods.
The term “white flour” has often been used to mean “refined flour,” so “whole white wheat flour” sounds like a contradiction in terms. But it is simply WHOLE flour – including the bran, germ and endosperm – made from WHITE wheat.
White wheat does not contain the strongly-flavored phenolic compounds that are in red wheat. This gives white wheat a milder flavor, and also means that products made with white wheat require less added sweetener to attain the same level of perceived sweetness.”
(Breadtopia https://breadtopia.com)
Our white wheat flour tastes slightly sweeter. We have noticed our flour has a nutty aroma that reveals itself when our favorite biscuits and breads are tasted. We have noticed the smell, sweetness and nutrition to create delightful desserts and wholesome biscuits and breads your family will enjoy.
With stone milling the grain to passes through the mill slowly and at cooler temperatures. This allows the germ, bran and endosperm of the wholegrain, along with its nutritional values, to be preserved. Due to the germ that is retained during the stone milling process, stone milling produces that characteristic “nutty” flavour.